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Perhaps the most controversial ethical dilemma facing Christians today is the question of whether or not to take the covid vaccine. Beyond being a difficult question in and of itself, it is complicated by the further considerations of the intentions of those pushing the vaccines, the trustworthiness of Big Pharma and the medical establishment (or lack thereof), the mandates and threats which are accompanying their rollout, not to mention the hurried process and consequently unknown long-term effects. Our stance is that Christians should not take the vaccine, and we’d like to make the case, answer objections, and give some thoughts on how to resist the mandates which are present or forthcoming (depending on your situation).
Use of Aborted Fetal Cells:
All the major vaccines currently available in the West have used aborted fetal cells at some stage. Other people have written extensively on the details, but my purpose is to make the case against taking said vaccines. Many people, including Christians, see nothing wrong with it. In fact, the United States bishops’ conference of the Roman Catholic Church – perhaps the most consistently pro-life Christian denomination – has declared the vaccines morally acceptable to take.
I would hinge my arguments against this on two primary texts of Scripture, both of which teach crucial ethical principles. The first is in Romans 3:8, where Paul says:
And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just.
Paul views this suggestion as so preposterous and antithetical to Scripture that it merits no rebuttal. And yet is this not precisely what the situation entails – using the remains of murdered children and products made therefrom for a “good end”? This relates to the perversion condemned in Deut. 14:21:
You shall not eat anything that has died naturally. You may give it to the sojourner who is within your towns, that he may eat it, or you may sell it to a foreigner. For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.
Unfortunately, many people find this verse perplexing. It is not a guide for pantry organization (as modern Jews understand it) but rather encapsulates the principle that the instrument of life (the mother’s milk) should not be used as the instrument of death – it’s a fundamental perversion. Likewise, the corpse of death is not to become the sustainer of life. Of course, many Christians would object that these laws belong to the ceremonial code, which was abolished. And though, granted, Jesus declared all foods clean, these laws are not to be ignored. They teach us profound ethical principles. Paul similarly applied the animal husbandry laws (Do not muzzle the ox while it treads the grain) to issues of pastoral pay.
So, since Scripture condemns the perversion of using death as a means of life and condemns the consequentialist ethic many use in justifying the vaccines, we can say taking the vaccine is indeed a sin. However, we should keep things in proportion: On the grand scale of sins, it’s a comparatively minor one, but one the Christian should nevertheless avoid.
A Vehicle of Social Control:
To anyone possessing any level of awareness about the Western political situation, it’s crystal clear that the vaccines are being used as a vehicle of social control. Transnational leftist elites are bent on using the vaccines to pry the door open to a full-on dystopian future in which your status as a vaccinated or unvaccinated citizen is used to either allow or prevent your ability to be employed, buy food, travel, receive an education, and more. This kind of tyranny applied equally to everyone would be bad enough, but these elites are diametrically opposed to the traditional, Christian way of life and will not hesitate to use these systems of social control to punish Christians (as happens in China).
These schemes all rely on the introduction of the vaccine passport, which in turn relies on people getting vaccinated. Many decent Christian folks have nothing but naïve good intentions in getting the vaccine, but the reality is they are making it that much easier for these people to enact their plans. It’s imperative we think about the effects of our decisions, not just our good intentions. The simple fact is the more people who are vaccinated, the easier these systems will be to impose. And perhaps you think, “No, I’ll get the vaccine for my convenience, but don’t you worry – if vaccine passports are being implemented, I’ll be the first one resisting it.” It’s very easy to say that now, but, like Peter, can you be so confident that you’ll stand with your brothers when they need you?
Loving Your Neighbor:
Some Christians will attempt to dismiss all these arguments by repeating bromides like, “Just take the vaccine to love your neighbor – you might save some old person’s life.” Like all such bromides, it has a veneer of plausibility, but the lightest scratch reveals its foolishness. First, it ignores the love due the aborted children whose remains where used. Second, it ignores the act of sacrificial love necessary to willingly make one’s life more difficult in order to preserve the freedom of one’s neighbors. Third, it assumes the vaccine is actually effective. But the evidence is quickly piling up that the vaccine is nowhere near as effective as the 95% rate originally advertised. There are also reasons to believe the vaccine may actually be counterproductive in improving people’s health. However, since this blog is dedicated more to cultural matters, I’ll leave you to evaluate those disputable claims for yourself. What can’t be disputed, however, is that the idea of taking the vaccine as a means of loving one’s neighbor is quite ridiculous.
What Can I Do?
With government bureaucracies, big corporations, the entire media, banking, big tech, and the transnational global elite arrayed against those who prefer not to take the vaccine, it can seem like there’s little one can do. And it would be dishonest to say resisting will be easy, but resist we must. Even if you think the current level of insanity is tolerable – “If I just take the vaccine, they’ll leave me alone.” – it will continue to escalate (because you and those who think like you are allowing it).
First it was wear the mask. Then it was stay home. Now it’s take the vaccine. Next, it’ll be take the booster shot. Then it’ll be download the passport app. This is not a slippery slope fallacy because we have seen this very series of events happen in our county and similar European countries. It will continue to escalate until forced to stop, and we had best do that now because, as Doug Wilson has put it, the second crime scene is always worse than the first:
One of the things that my father-in-law taught his kids was the principle that you should always act as though the second crime scene will be worse than the first. If some stranger tries to grab you in order to get you into his van, you should have the showdown right there on the sidewalk because where he wants to take you is going to be worse than whatever it is he is doing right now. The second crime scene will be worse than the first.
We need to resist, but what can we do? First, the major point of this article: don’t get the vaccine. If you’ve already been vaccinated, don’t get the “booster shot.” Avoid wearing masks as much as possible. As much as possible, refuse to patronize establishments and businesses which do require these things. Establish a clear position on when the government can be disobeyed. What is your position on the ethics of “righteous deceit”? Research exemptions – learn how to craft a persuasive one. If your job is trying to force you to get vaccinated, first, look for a new job, and second, make them fire you. I have heard many anecdotes of individuals within a company simply refusing to comply, only for management to promptly back down.
Many of these anecdotes involve numerous employees running the same play (simply refusing and not quitting), either coordinated or uncoordinated. Obviously, there is strength in numbers, so be sure to network to increase your odds of success. This perfectly illustrates my second point, which is to develop and renew strong bonds with your household, neighbors, and local church. The regime is able to beat you when it can isolate you from support systems, but when you have ride-or-die family members and Christian brothers behind you, it’s much easier to remain resolute. As it is written,
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Finally, above all, ensure your tactics are wisely executed, and make sure your lines in the sand are wisely drawn. For example, compare the success the homeschooling movement had in legalizing homeschooling in the 70s and 80s versus the completely ineffectual new trend of parents using school board meetings to protest CRT. Sure, what these parents are protesting is downright detestable, but they are the ones who handed over their children’s minds and souls to an institution they knew was corrupt and leftist-controlled. They’ve already handed over their children – now they’re simply haggling over the price. The homeschoolers, on the other hand, fought for the foundational principle of their right to educate their own children as they pleased. They also had wiser tactics, a clearer vision, better organization, etc. They had wisdom, and wisdom is justified by her children.
Get wisdom. Receive God’s promised blessings for covenant faithfulness (which include victory over unbelievers). Pray some imprecatory Psalms. And remember, all authority in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus, not the CDC.
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