About Protestant Post

This is a blog where we discuss the rebirth of a Christian civilization, and hopefully inspire you to join us in trying to build it.

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Introducing ourselves

We are A.C. and C.J., the editors and authors of this blog. It’s clear to us that the West, the only long-lasting Christian civilization known to man, is in the process of a slow-motion trainwreck-suicide, and it’s our conviction that the only real solution is to rebuild a new Christian civilization from the ashes.

Join us

We’ll be meeting here weekly to discuss the specifics of all that. Each week, we want to leave you with some new insight to help you make sense of the world and practical things you can do immediately to begin rebuilding.

We’re not here to whine about the death of the West; we’re here to do what we can to see the rebirth of a Christian civilization, and we hope you’ll join us.

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For the rebirth of a Christian civilization.


For the rebirth of a Christian civilization.